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Snowmobile Safaris & Rentals

Snowmobile Safaris & Rentals

New for this winter 2025
Koskenlasku kuusamo

River Rafting

River Kitkajoki in Kuusamo


Cosy Retkietappi cabins at Juuma
Retkietappi Café

Retkietappi Café at Juuma

Next to Pieni Karhunkierros Trail

Big game hunting and shooting grouse sitting on tree tops is also possible

Next to Oulanka National Park, by the Juuma rapids

Retkietappi is located 46 km north from Kuusamo, in the scenic Juuma tourist area, at the starting point of Pieni Karhunkierros Trail.

Our services include whitewater rafting on River Kitkajoki, accommodation in log cabins, and a café at Juuma, next to Oulanka National Park.


The Juuma tourist area is on the edge of the wilderness, along the clear water River Kitkajoki, next to Oulanka National Park.

Juuma is an idyllic country village surrounded by rugged and varying sceneries.

The traditions of the Juuma tourist village date back to the early 20th century, when a rapid shooting route ran from Käylä via Juuma to Lake Paanajärvi, across the border in Russia.

The famous Kuusamo rapids JYRÄVÄ, AALLOKKOKOSKI, MYLLYKOSKI and NISKAKOSKI were still roaming free near the Juuma village, along the PIENI KARHUNKIERROS trail. This renowned trail includes many hanging bridges. Several extremely rare plants such as the fairy slipper orchid and the white dryad grow on the slopes of gorges.